Information for joining our Council or Executive
Our Campaign Council and Executive group play key roles in Remember A Charity’s activity, helping to guide the future direction of the campaign.
This page summarises the responsibilities of each group, addressing some common questions.
If you’re interested in applying to join either our Council or Exec, please read the information below.
Click here for council information
Click here for exec information
After reading, please get in touch with your queries or application.
Introducing Campaign Council
What is the Campaign Council?
Our Campaign Council is made up of our Executive group and up to 20 other representatives.
Appointment to our Council is made on an individual, rather than organisational basis, although only one representative will be appointed from each organisation.
In the main, Council is a subset of our membership, however external consultants or specialists may be invited by the Executive to join Council if there is a need to address any skills gap or ensure representation from key stakeholder groups.
Council provides guidance, insight and support to the Remember A Charity team and ‘Exec’, with the potential for carrying out support on select projects or as part of a working group.
The aims of Council are to represent and support members’ views, act as campaign ambassadors, ensure the campaign is in tune with the sector, shape and inform Exec’s strategic decisions and to ratify appointments, including the Chair, Exec and fellow Council members.
What is required of Council members?
Representatives join Council for a three-year term, which may be extended if approved.
The group meets formally four times a year, either online or in person, monitoring progress of the campaign and to advise and add value to the campaign’s strategy. They may also be consulted on an ad hoc basis on key decisions by Exec or the Remember A Charity team.
They are expected to attend member forums wherever possible, and to represent and promote the campaign.
What do we look for from Council applicants?
We seek to reflect a wide spectrum of membership bands and diversity of the fundraising community in our Council. Representatives will have or be:
- Interest in and commitment to the mission and vision of Remember A Charity;
- Strong commitment to the legacy sector;
- An employee of one of the consortium’s member charities, except where a consultant or sector expert is co-opted by the Exec to fulfil a specific need or skills gap;
- Willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort;
- Demonstration of excellent knowledge of the legacies sector;
- Ability to reflect both the views of their own organisation and membership more widely; and
- Willingness to speak their mind and provide appropriate challenge.
What is the application process for Council?
Only one representative of each member organisation can join Council. The Executive will review any expressions of interest and agree candidates via a voting process.
Their recommendation will then need to be ratified by Council. Appointments will be confirmed at the first Council meeting of the calendar year.
The Exec may recommend co-opting new members in the event of a resignation before the end of a term; and /or to fill a particular skills gap.
How to apply
If you’d like to apply to join Council, please submit a written application of no more than 250 words summarising what you will bring to the role.
Please email your submission or address any queries to Remember A Charity director Lucinda Frostick.
Introducing Remember A Charity's Executive Group
What is Remember A Charity’s Executive?
Our Executive Group is made up of around 5-6 legacy experts. The group is responsible for the overarching direction of the consortium.
‘Exec’ works with the Director to guide Remember A Charity’s objectives, strategy and plan; to monitor the campaign’s effectiveness; to agree key decisions; to review campaign governance; and to act as ambassadors and spokespeople.
They will also take soundings from the Campaign Council – a subset of the membership.
What is required of Exec?
Representatives join our Exec for a three-year term, which may be extended if approved. The group meets formally at least four times a year, either online or in person.
They also hold regular informal catch-up calls, currently scheduled on a fortnightly basis, and are expected to attend at least one Council meeting per year and one members’ Forum.
What do we look for from applicants to Exec?
Exec applicants will have or be:
- Interest in and commitment to the mission and vision of Remember A Charity;
- Strong commitment to the legacies sector;
- An employee of a Campaign member charity. By exception, consultants or sector experts will be permitted if the Executive unanimously agrees that the individual is the best candidate and will advance the campaign. (Any such members will not have formal voting rights);
- Willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort;
- Strategic vision and the ability to think and act strategically;
- Sound, independent judgement, relevant skills and integrity;
- Willingness to speak their mind; and
- Ability to act as spokesperson for the Campaign.
What is the application process?
The current Exec will review any expressions of interest and agree candidates via a voting process. Their recommendation will then be ratified by Council.
All appointments to Exec will be reviewed after six months to ensure that new members are comfortable with their role and that they are embracing the principle of collective responsibility.
How to apply
To apply to join our Exec, please submit a written application of no more than 250 words summarising what you will bring to the group. Submissions can be made by any representative of a member charity.
Please send your submission by email to our director Lucinda Frostick.
Code of behaviour and safeguarding
Please note that both Executive and Council members are expected to abide by the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Behaviour and to undertake mandatory Safeguarding Training.