(His Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service)
Remember A Charity works closely with HMCTS as the department with responsibility for probate services in England and Wales.
Working collaboratively with ILM, we represent the charity sector, participating in the Probate Service Users Working Group, alongside the Law Society and other key partners. We also meet regularly with HMCTS to discuss the measures they’ve put in place to accelerate grant output levels, probate forecasts and more.
Our key focus is in ensuring that the impact of probate services and any delays on charities and charitable services is front of mind with HMCTS, and that the probate team is making every effort to keep applications moving through the system. We also provide regular updates to members about development at probate that might influence legacy income and forecasts.
This joint working has been hugely important in recent years, with direct outcomes including the continuation of the legacy notification service when it was at risk of suspension in 2019 and service improvements, which meant that a copy of the Will could be provided with each legacy notification.