Countdown star teams up with Remember A Charity to inspire ‘Willanthropy’
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Remember A Charity is proud to partner with Countdown star, respected lexicographer and etymologist, Susie Dent MBE, as part of our mission to break down barriers and reframe people’s approach to giving to charity from their Wills.
Harnessing the power of words with the term Willanthropy* – the act of leaving a gift to charity in your Will – the campaign aims to de-stigmatise conversation about Wills and empower people to become Willanthropists, using their Will to build a better world for future generations.
Research** shows that people struggle to talk about death (29%), sex (28%) and money (18%). And over a third (35%) of respondents avoid conversations about Wills because of the discomfort of talking about death.
However, the large majority (64%) of UK adults recognise that it’s important to talk about money and death with their loved ones and those who have done so say they the conversation feeling far more positive. Almost 30% say the conversation gave them clarity and peace of mind, with 28% more confident knowing they or their loved ones will be taken care of, and 44% felt relieved and empowered.
By normalising the term Willanthropy, we aim to move away from connotations of mortality or the myth that supporters need to have considerable wealth to leave a gift. With this campaign, our hope is to inspire and empower people to use their Will for good, while taking care of their loved ones and joining the growing movement for Willanthropy.
Susie Dent MBE says:
“Vocabulary is a powerful tool, and I’m excited to be working alongside Remember A Charity on their ‘Willanthropy’ campaign. A blend of the words ‘philanthropy’ and ‘Wills’, ‘Willanthropy’ aims to bring positivity into an area that can be a source of anxiety, moving it instead towards one of inspiration and hope. Our hope is that the campaign will open up discussions about changes that could have a profound impact on the charities we love."
Lucinda Frostick, Director of Remember A Charity, says:
“The Willanthropy movement is growing with around 100 people a day across the UK now choosing to leave a gift to charity in their Will. It’s wonderful to see how many people hope to leave the world a better place by including their favourite charities alongside gifts for their loved ones. Increasingly, we hear from supporters who had been apprehensive about writing their Will, but having made the decision to leave a gift, they come away from the experience feeling empowered and inspired by what their donation could achieve. We all have different touchpoints with charities throughout our lives and a gift in your Will – no matter how big or small – really can make a vital difference.”
The power of words extends far beyond Willanthropy. Research found that nearly 60% of adults say they believe that words can transform hearts and minds and inspire significant change: almost half (47%) agree that the term 'body positive' has transformed how we perceive our bodies, 40% acknowledge that 'age positive' has reshaped views on ageism.
These instances underscore the profound impact words can wield in shaping our perceptions and driving social impact. Remember A Charity and Susie Dent MBE hope to do the same with Willanthropy by inspiring the nation to consider leaving a gift to charity in their Will.
The power of 'Willanthropy'
Find out more about the word, and the nation’s growing community of Willanthropists who are supporting causes they care about in their Will.
*Willanthropy is a term for legacy giving, introduced by Remember A Charity in 2023. It has since been used by a wide range of audiences in the UK and beyond, and even in Parliament during the 2024 Probate Inquiry.
** About the research
A quantitative survey was conducted online by Censuswide in July 2024, among a sample of 2013 natrep UK 18+ between 10.07.2024 and 12.07.2024.