Personalised legacy assets for Remember A Charity Week

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Remember A Charity is giving member charities an easy way to create assets with their own messaging, imagery and branding.

Promotional assets are available for use all-year-round but can only be customised up until 14 July 2023.

While our consumer advertising and PR campaign to grow gifts in Wills runs throughout the year, activity peaks during Remember A Charity Week (11-17 September 2023) with promotion through the campaign’s partners, including its network of over 800 solicitors and Will-writers.

Lucinda Frostick, director of Remember A Charity, says:

“The more charities that come together and use this opportunity to shine a light on the importance of legacies for good causes, the more noise we can make and the more we can get people thinking about leaving a gift in their Will.”

“Giving charities their own personalised assets means they can start their own legacy conversations with supporters throughout the year. This dialogue can be crucial, not only in building awareness around gifts in Wills, but in helping to break down some of the myths around gift size and flexibility, and inspiring supporters to take action.”

Personalised legacy promotion assets for charities

Charities within the consortium are invited to use Remember A Charity’s digital platform to upload their own messaging, imagery, branding, QR code, web address and more. From there, they can order a suite of assets including website banners, social GIFs, bookmarks, posters, table standees and coat hanger cards.

{"markup":"<p>\"Legacies are a crucial source of income for the survival of The Elizabeth Foundation. &nbsp;A personalised campaign brings to life the needs of our beneficiaries and the importance of the work of the charity.\"</p>","blocks":{"contentData":[],"settingsData":[]}}
Julie Hughes, Chief Executive at The Elizabeth Foundation

Promotional activity for legacy giving continues throughout the year, with Remember A Charity working to drive conversation and build understanding of the importance of legacy giving among the giving public, government, and professional advisers.

Find out more about joining the consortium and taking part in Remember A Charity Week here.