Remember A Charity Week to make legendary return
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Remember A Charity Week 2015 will build on the success of last year's Living Legends The annual legacy giving awareness drive, Remember A Charity in your Will Week, is returning on 7th – 13th September 2015. Remember A Charity is calling on more charities to sign up and join the consortium this Summer to make this year’s campaign the biggest yet. September will mark the sixth year of Remember A Charity Week, which reaches out to millions of people, aiming to make legacy giving a social norm. Following its most successful campaign to date in 2014, which saw a 94 year old Wing Walker, an Ironwoman Triathlete aged 72 and an 80 year old High Diver star unite, communicating that anyone can become a living legend by including a charity they care about in their Will, this year’s campaign will build on the Living Legends theme, celebrating the impact of charitable legacies. The campaign incorporates a high profile consumer advertising campaign, campaign toolkit and merchandise, as well as a targeted drive to increase the number of solicitors and will writers promoting legacy giving. Charities joining the consortium between now and September 2015 will gain 15 months’ membership for the price of one year, enabling them to participate in Remember A Charity Week 2015 and 2016. Those charities will be promoted via the campaign homepage and receive promotional materials and a campaign toolkit, equipping them for promoting legacies effectively to their key stakeholders and supporters. Last year saw the campaign grow to over 150 member charities and receive the backing of some of the UK's biggest businesses and partners, such as The Co-operative and the Cabinet Office, Legal & General and The Law Society. During Remember A Charity Week 2014, the number of solicitors and will writers supporting the campaign increased by over 50%, with over 250 professional adviser firms signing up to promote legacy giving to their clients. The campaign has achieved notable success over the years and continues to deliver on its mission of growing the legacy market, with 17% of people[1] in the UK now claiming that they have included a gift in their will (up from 14% in 2013). Rob Cope, director of Remember A Charity, said: "Our awareness week has grown year-on-year and we hope 2015 sees our message continue to reach new audiences and, ultimately, lead to legacy growth. We are urging more charities to take part in Remember A Charity Week 2015 and boost awareness among their supporters and beyond. “There remains a significant gap between the number of people that support charities regularly and those that remember a charity in their will. Working collectively to communicate the importance and opportunities of legacies is the key that will close that gap and make legacy giving a social norm. " Speaking of his involvement with Remember A Charity Week in 2014, Michael Clark, Legacy and In-memory Manager at the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, added: “Remember A Charity in your Will Week allowed us to focus on the importance of gifts in wills for the Trust’s ambitious future goals, and our campaign led to 212 new legacy enquiries. As we strive to beat Cystic Fibrosis for good, the Remember a Charity consortium is a vital part of our legacy strategy to ensure that our generous supporters understand the difference they can make.” [1] nfpSynergy 2014, Annual Benchmarking Survey, Remember A Charity