Seminar encourages fundraisers to grow legacy income together

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Remember A Charity is to host a seminar to underline its new strategy and social marketing approach.The seminar will signal a new phase for Remember A Charity, encouraging the sector to become increasingly engaged in the campaign. The seminar is to be held on 30 April  at Arundel House in London. Attendees are invited for 2pm, with a drinks reception being held at 4.45pm. Legacy donations are a vital source of income to UK charities, raising £1.8 billion each year, but with only one in seven wills currently including a gift to charity, there is huge potential for growth. Remember A Charity is a consortium of over 140 charities, established in 2000, committed to making charitable gifts in wills the norm. The consortium is hosted by the Institute of Fundraising. Stephen George, Chair of Remember A Charity and Development Director for Legacies at the NSPCC, says: "The Campaign is currently at an exciting stage of its development, with a refreshed strategy being driven by a social marketing approach, at the heart of which is a shift towards behavioural change. "We can make this happen if the sector works together. We've been successful in raising awareness to date - but we need, and can do, more. It's important all those with a stake in the future get involved." A ll those with a stake in legacy fundraising are invited to Remember A Charity's seminar  which will underline the consortium's new strategy and social marketing approach. To express an interest in attending, please call 020 7840 1030 for further details. Please note that places are limited.