Unprecedented support for campaign in 2016
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Remember A Charity Week saw an unprecedented amount of support in 2016 as outlined in the consortium's 2016 Impact Report, released this week.
More government and private sector partners than ever backed the campaign last year. The Ministry of Justice announced their support for Remember A Charity Week for the first time, and the Department for Culture, Media & Sport and HM Treasury also backed the campaign.
The annual report reveals key highlights from the past year in legacies.
Remember A Charity has also seen success in areas of work including its diverse charity membership base. The consortium is now at its highest membership figure, with a wide range of causes recognising the importance of collaborative work to grow the legacy market.
The campaign has grown its network of Campaign Supporters to over 1,100 solicitors and professional Will-writers, who commit to always mentioning charity to their clients.
A benchmarking survey shows that numbers of professional advisors always and sometimes mentioning charity to clients have increased by 11% over the past five years, from 53% in 2011 to 64% in 2016.
The Impact Report also provides a snapshot of recent developments in the legacy market, giving context to the consortium's work to grow legacy giving.
There was a 10% increase in the number of UK charities included in Wills from 2014-15, with £2.5 billion legacy income across the UK in 2015.
Remember A Charity continues to collaborate with member charities, partners and professional advisors to work towards making gifts in Wills a social norm.
To find out more, read the full Impact Report.