'Wisdom' powered Taxi hits the streets
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Remember A Charity runs the 'knowledge for knowledge' project to build understanding of the power of passing things on
A London taxi hits the streets this week where cab rides are free if the passenger pays for their fare with some personal wise words of wisdom as 'currency'.
In a scenario where Taxi Drivers' famed London 'Knowledge' is bartered for knowledge that has been passed down across family generations, Remember A Charity is aiming to increase understanding of the importance of passing things of value on in life.
Director Rob Cope explains, “We wanted to remind people about the wonderful gift of giving. We hope our pay it forward taxi will encourage others to reflect what else they might pass on, including a gift to their favourite charities in their Will.”
Wisdom shared by people who have already taken part in the knowledge for knowledge project this week include; 'Everything works out well in the end, and if it hasn't worked out yet then it's not the end', 'Work hard now and it'll pay off later' and 'Enjoy every day it might be your last'.
Taxi driver Grant Vickers who has been the knowledge gatekeeper and sharer this week has enjoyed the project "Chatting with passengers is part of the nature of the job, and you often learn some strange things from those who travel with you, but this week has been really thought provoking already about things that matter in life. People have really engaged on the whole leaving a gift for others idea, and it’s a topic of conversation I might well carry on after this week - although probably not offering rides for free…."
Earlier this year, Remember A Charity researched the UK's most popular words of wisdom that people pass on in life, revealing a top three of ' Make the most of every day', 'Age is only a number', and 'Happiness takes us places that money never will'
The cross generational importance of what's important in life is embodied not only in these words, but in the value of charitable legacies, estimated to be worth around £2.5 billion across the UK.
Rob Cope concludes: "We hope the film of the project we've pulled together gets people thinking and visiting our website to find out how every gift in a will, however small, can really make a difference. This is a campaign with a really important end goal, as without a flow of these donations many charities just would simply not exist."
To watch the new short film, please visit https://youtu.be/78EEthqEubo