World's most famous half marathon brings Remember A Charity Week to a close

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Charities joined together to mark the end of Remember A Charity Week at the Great North Run this weekend. Nine member charities including Breakthrough Breast Cancer, the NSPCC and Guide Dogs met on the finish line for a photo call at the event in Newcastle. The campaign also had a strong presence in the charity village, where several charities served branded tea to their runners and supporters to help start legacy conversations. The NSPCC led the way, serving 1, 000 cups of tea throughout the day. The weekend also saw youth and community themed charities taking centre stage to mark the campaign. Save the Children took the campaign to the highstreet and gave away free teabags in 125 of their shops nationwide, whilst the NSPCC took to the streets of Portsmouth to spread the legacy message to the general public. Community themed charities also supported the campaign by running their own activities nationwide. The Chichester Cathedral Restoration and Development Trust wrapped the cathedral in branded tape to serve as a reminder of the importance of gifts in wills. Several youth and community charities were also featured in the Legacies Through a Lens photography exhibition, including the Theodora Children's Trust, Abbeyfield and Save the Children. The exhibition is now closed to the public, but is still available online.