About us

Growing legacy giving

We are a consortium of around 200 UK charities, working together to raise awareness of charitable gifts in Wills. A registered charity, we work closely with the legal sector, partners and government to inspire legacy giving.

Our goal is to encourage more people to leave a gift to charity in their Will, after taking care of loved ones.

About us
About us
Currently 6% of people leave a gift to charity in their Will, but if this increased to 10% then it could generate another £1 billion for good causes each year.

That's a huge amount that could make a profound impact on the world we all leave behind.

Our aim is to help realise that potential and ensure the essential work of our favourite charities lives on for future generations.

We represent around 200 UK charities and work closely with partners in the legal sector, government and private sector to raise awareness of gifts in Wills.

Launched in 2000, we are a registered charity and part of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising. 

Watch our campaign films

Our campaigns get people talking.

Our campaign films

Strength in numbers

We bring together around 200 of the UK's favourite charities, who all rely on gifts in Wills to continue providing vital services that benefit everyone. 

For charities

A force for positive change 

We work closely with the legal sector to encourage more conversations about gifts in Wills.

For solicitors & Will writers

Our partners 

We partner with organisations who share our ambition to ensure the wonderful work of charities lives on for future generations. 

For partners

Please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.