Today over two million older people live below the poverty line, and many more are hovering just above it. Sadly, many will struggle with their finances for the remainder of their lives.

The aim of our work is to improve the lives of older people facing financial hardship:

Income:  We believe that older people facing financial hardship should have sufficient income and receive the financial support they’re entitled to.

Costs: Older people facing financial hardship should be protected from unfair or avoidable costs.

Community: Older people facing financial hardship should have the connections and support they need in their communities.

Home: Older people facing financial hardship should live in safe, secure, and suitable housing with the care and support they need.

Our campaigning is focused on changing and influencing government policies so that older people facing financial hardship receive the benefits and government support they deserve.

Our award-winning information and advice services offer free impartial and expert advice covering various subjects, such as money, health, care, and housing.

In local communities we offer practical information and advice and collaborate with local organisations who work directly with older people financially through grants and practical support.

We believe that no one should  face financial hardship in later life…

With a gift in your Will, you can help to ensure that future generations of older people won’t have to

By including a gift in your Will for Independent Age you’ll be helping to  ensure that we can continue providing our services and vital support to help  to improve the lives of millions of older people, long into the future.