Marie Curie is the UK’s leading end of life charity.

Whoever you are, whatever your illness, Marie Curie is with you to the end.

Every day and every night. In homes and in hospices. Marie Curie gives everything for those reaching the end of their lives. From the time you find out you’re dying, until your very last moments, whether that’s years, months weeks or days, we listen to what matters to you.

With medical expertise. And a hand to hold. Whoever you are. And whatever the illness. We’ll be there. And we will care. Because we believe you can still live well as you reach the end of life. And everyone deserves the right support, reflecting what’s most important to them. And what matters to those they love. But we can’t do it alone.

Every five minutes, someone dies, in pain or without proper care. The most vulnerable people are also the most likely to die without the care they need. And thousands of people are grieving without support. This all needs to change.

We are 3,000+ nurses, counsellors and support workers, offering personalised clinical and emotional care, as people face the biggest challenge of their lives. Together, we drive policy change and support important research to improve standards.

We’re here for you. Providing care and changing the system. So you feel supported through the experience of dying and grief. So you feel cared for as you approach the end of life. So you’re not facing it alone.

Marie Curie. With you to the end.

More than a quarter of all the care Marie Curie provided last year was thanks to gifts included in supporters’ Wills.

It’s thanks to gifts in Wills that we can keep on caring for people with a terminal illness and support their loved ones, for many years to come. Any gift, large or small, will make a difference and will be hugely appreciated.

Please consider including a gift in your Will to Marie Curie.

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