Scotts Project Trust
Enabling adults with learning disabilities to reach their potential and lead happy and fulfilled lives

To include this charity in your Will, simply give your solicitor or Will writer the following details:
Charity name: Scotts Project Trust
Charity address: Delarue Close, Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge, Kent . TN11 9NN
Charity Number: 1051947 (England & Wales)
Scotts, based near Tonbridge in Kent, supports adults with learning disabilities to strive to reach their aspirations and make choices about how they want to live their lives through three interlinked services.
To deliver an excellent service in a friendly, nurturing environment where people with a learning disability can choose how they are supported, and develop their skills to realise their aspirations.
Legacies help us to continually improve our facilities which enhance the quality of care, as well as enrich the whole offering and experience of the people with learning disabilities who live with us or come to us on a day to day basis.