Thames Valley Air Ambulance attends the most critically ill and injured patients across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. Its teams of pilots, paramedics and doctors work together to give patients the best possible chance of survival and recovery.

From delivering emergency blood transfusions to treating life-threatening cardiac arrests, the crew bring the skills and expertise of the hospital to patients. On average, Thames Valley Air Ambulance is called out to seven patients in urgent need of advanced medical care per day.

In the helicopter, the crew can be anywhere in the region within 15 minutes, saving time when minutes matter. This means that a patient is assessed, treated and given advanced medical care quicker, increasing their chance of survival. Thames Valley Air Ambulance also operates four Critical Care Response vehicles, which allows them to reach even more patients.

Thames Valley Air Ambulance is a charity and does not receive any funding from the Government or from the National Lottery. Instead, it relies entirely on the generosity of its supporters. Thanks to their kind donations, the charity delivers advanced medical care to patients when the worst happens.

Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to celebrate your life and save someone else’s. Any gift, even just a small percentage of your estate, will ensure that the charity can be in a stronger position to help patients when they are in urgent need for years to come.