The Civil Service Retirement Fellowship is a national charity that supports former civil servants and their dependants.

The organisation offers three core charitable services that revolve around providing friendship and support. These are:

  • Befriending Schemes: a national network of befriending services that provide service users with either a home visit, telephone call or letter. Volunteer befrienders are DBS Checked and the frequency of contacts varies from weekly to monthly.
  • Local Community Groups: these offer forums for friendship in towns and cities around the country. Our groups are all run by volunteers and activities vary from coffee mornings and speakers to friendship lunches and day trips
  • Advice Line:  We run a Freephone advice line that offers help and guidance. We have a network of partnerships and collaborative working with other organisations that helps us to facilitate a response to any query. Popular subjects include pensions, financial help, care homes and handling bereavement.

As a charity we receive no government funding so are entirely supported by regular donations and subscriptions.

Will you help us to build a future for the next generation of those retiring and leave a legacy to support the growth and development of our local groups and befriending schemes.