1 in 5 children – over 138,000 babies born each year - will be exposed to domestic abuse during childhood.

Children exposed to domestic abuse are more likely to experience mental ill health, have poor educational outcomes, become involved in crime and drug use, and experience or use abusive behaviours. This can lead to a cycle of domestic abuse within families.

Our aim at The For Baby’s Sake Trust is to support families to break the cycle of domestic abuse and give their babies the best start in life. Since launching the programme in 2015, we have supported thousands of parents, dramatically impacting the lives of babies and families.

Through our individualised programme of trauma informed, therapeutic care, we build therapeutic relationships with both parents to break cycles of domestic abuse. Our targeted, intensive support for parents and babies with high levels of need helps to address the root cause of abuse, harness motivations for change, empowers parents to take responsibility for themselves, and provide sensitive, attuned parenting to their babies. We work in partnership with social care, midwifery and health services, to transform the lives of babies and families.

Your generosity can help rewrite the course of a family’s life, helping them to break the cycle of domestic abuse and giving their baby the best start in life.

Remembering The For Baby’s Sake Trust in your will with a gift, large or small, can leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.