Many people in prison wish to use their time inside to make changes to their lives.

They've reached their darkest, lowest place and long to feel better, mentally and physically and to reconnect with society. The Prison Phoenix Trust, responds to every prisoner who reaches out for help with education, support and mentoring in yoga and meditation.

Since 1988 it has transformed the lives of thousands of prisoners in the UK and Ireland – and their communities - by helping them heal and find hope of a fresh start on their release.

We get results by offering support in ways accessible to a wide range of abilities:

  • trauma-responsive yoga and meditation classes taught by instructors trained to teach safely and effectively in secure environments;
  • specialist resources such as books and DVDs free to anyone living or working in prison;
  • one-to-one mentoring by trained volunteers;
  • peer support through newsletters in which prisoners and former prisoners share with each other their own yoga experiences, tips and advice.

Former prison Paul says: “I cannot emphasise enough what The Prison Phoenix Trust does for people in jail. I watched prisoners gain confidence, give up drugs, all from meditation and yoga.”

A gift in your will to The Prison Phoenix Trust could transform lives in the future, bringing peace and the possibility of change to people in prison and their communities.

Your legacy will train prison yoga teachers of the future and bring accessible, trauma-responsive guidance to prisoners and young offenders across the UK and Ireland.