Every month in the UK, around 10 babies are born with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), a rare genetic condition that causes non-cancerous tumours to develop in the body’s organs, such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, eyes and heart. These tumours cause various physical, neurological and learning disabilities which in turn can result in significant emotional and social challenges.

The Tuberous Sclerosis Association’s mission is to provide help for today and a cure for tomorrow.  We work to do this by:


  • Providing vital support and reliable information, such as the TSA Support Line
  • Hosting in-person and virtual events, bringing the TSC community together to create peer support networks and feel less alone
  • Funding pioneering research into the causes, management and treatment of TSC
  • Develop training courses focused on different aspects of TSC, for a range of professionals
  • Campaigning to ensure consistent and meaningful access to social support and healthcare provision


Every month around 10 babies in the UK are born with TSC - there is currently no cure. Legacies provide vital support for people impacted by this rare condition and make that future breakthrough possible - the one that means future generations will not be faced with the devastating reality of life with TSC.