The WRVS Benevolent Trust is for the benefit of people who are, or who have been WVS, WRVS or Royal Voluntary Service volunteers or staff by giving one off grants to help with everyday life. The Trust helps past or present volunteers or staff who find themselves in need of financial assistance due to an urgent need or crisis.

Youth Bursary Awards are given each year by the WRVS Benevolent Trust to assist current RVS volunteers between the ages of 16 – 25 in taking part in events or opportunities which will benefit their personal development and future career.

The trust relies on charitable donations from supporters like you. Once you’ve taken care of family, friends and loved ones, you can help us to continue our vital work long into the future by leaving a donation in your Will. Even the smallest of gifts make such a difference and helps our work live on into the future.

Through the generosity of people like you, we can continue to enhance the lives of others who have spent their lives volunteering their time. Please help us give something back to them in their time of need.

Legacies are vital to our very survival, giving us the confidence to plan ahead. Pass on something wonderful and leave a gift to the trust in your Will.

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