Why leave
a gift to charity?
We’re all richer when charities thrive.
Has a charity helped you or someone you love? Chances are that at some point, a charity will touch your life – perhaps when you least expect it. Maybe by helping a friend or relative, or by supporting you directly.
Whether it’s mental health support, saving lives at sea or rescuing abandoned animals, charities play a fundamental role in driving positive, lasting change.
Charities are there for all of us when we need it most. So how can we ensure they can continue supporting future generations?
Some people take it for granted that charities can only do their amazing work because of generous support from the public.
For example, did you know that all hospices are charities? They receive little state funding, despite the fact there’s a growing need for their dedicated care.
One of the most profound ways you can support charities long into the future is to leave them gift in your Will. Simply put, charities rely on gifts in Wills to continue their work.
If a charity has touched your life, or someone you care about, then please consider saying thank you by leaving them a gift in your Will.
Great map of Willanthropy
Explore how gifts in Wills are changing the World
More reasons to leave a gift in your Will to charity
It makes us happier
People who leave a gift to charity in their Will get a huge amount of satisfaction knowing that their values and beliefs will be passed on to future generations.
Help the work live on
Gifts in Wills allow charities to continue providing vital services, whether it’s researching cures for cancer, supporting vulnerable people or taking care of animals.
Reduce inheritance tax
A gift to charity is free from inheritance tax and if you leave more than 10% of your net estate* to charity then the total amount of inheritance tax you pay reduces from 40% to 36%.
* Visit gov.uk for more information
Remember a loved one
Many people choose to leave a gift to a charity that was important to a loved one, to keep their memory alive.

Find a charity
Has a charity made a difference to you or someone you care about? Or do you want to discover a new one that's fighting for a cause you're passionate about?
Search our catalogue of 200 of the UK's favourite charities, and find out how you can support them.

Frequently asked questions
We answer all your questions about leaving a gift to charity in your Will.