A safe space to talk
Faridah shares how Place2Be changed her life.
"I started Place2Be parent counselling sessions because I was tired of feeling overwhelmed. I am a single mum and I got to my lowest point. That's why I turned to Place2Be."
Importance of being within the school
"It helped that Place2Be was in my children’s school. It makes it very accessible. And being in the children’s school meant it wasn’t just about me, it was also about my kids. I trusted the school - they wanted what I wanted. My aim was to become a better parent for my kids.
"With Place2Be being part of the school it normalises the counselling. It’s lighter than going for therapy. It’s here at the school, not in a medical setting, and I didn’t have to go through my GP. Anna (my parent counsellor) is fantastic - there's no judgement. There are so many things I can talk about, in a safe space."
Parent counselling
"It has given me a better understanding of who I am. It has helped me to feel better. I don’t need to cope alone. It’s about me discovering how to be the best possible parent.
"Everyone should feel able to ask for help. Parents as well as children. I believe if parents aren’t sorted then it’s a waste of time. Children can only feel safe if their parent is stable. Children want to please and they are more likely to feel well, if their parent is also well.
"Without Place2Be I’m quite sure I would have lost my kids by now. Social services were involved previously."
What actually happens in parent counselling?
"It’s me sitting on a chair in a relaxed setting. It’s like me chatting to a friend. I can talk about how I am feeling. Anna never takes any notes. She might sometimes draw pictures to explain. I can talk about anything. The conversations are driven by me."
How have you changed?
"I am totally different. I am happier and have healthier boundaries. I have faced a big fear and it has benefited my whole family. I say to my kids it’s ok to feel sad sometimes. It’s hard work if you are pretending and finally when you let that go you have so much energy. My teenager says ‘you are so much happier’ and my younger one says ‘when you play with us, you really play with us now.’ I am more present."
Future plans
"With people I know, I find there is a reluctance to talk. I actually feel I have a responsibility to talk about this. I want to tell other people they can reach out and ask for help if they need it. I am not scared of people labelling me. My plan is to start coaching other mums in one-to-one and group sessions. Place2Be has changed my life."
The importance of gifts in Wills
Catherine Roche, CEO of Place2Be, says: "Gifts in Wills are crucial in providing much needed funding. A gift of any size can change a child or parent’s life. Please support us today with a gift in your Will."
Find out more
For more information about Place2Be and leaving a gift in your Will, please contact Vanessa Boyle, Legacy Manager on 020 7923 5593 or email vanessa.boyle@place2be.org.uk