After death, leave life
Watta is 1 day old and lies in her mother's arms in Peters Town Clinic. Her mother, Comfort, is a 17 year old Liberian woman who lives in the inaccessible village that is not connected by road and cannot be reached by motorbike.
She walked for 7 hours to use the Maternal Waiting Room ahead of Watta's birth. Save the Children support several Maternal Waiting Rooms in rural communities in Liberia to ensure that expectant mothers have access to the essential care needed for a safe delivery.
Liberia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. By supporting such facilities, Save the Children is working to ensure that more mothers give birth in clinics with access to trained staff and medicine.
Gifts in wills aren’t only the promise of medicines, vaccinations and nourishing food to help children survive those critical first months and years. They are the promise that whatever happens, we can be there in years to come to give life to children who may not otherwise have the chance to survive.
It is important that we continue to raise awareness of the difference gifts in wills make. That is why being a member of Remember A Charity is a great opportunity for us, as it allows us to build on the support of our donors, volunteers and staff.
For this year’s Remember A Charity Week, we have provided volunteers in all 145 of our charity shops with yellow bags promoting both Save the Children and Remember A Charity, and generating interest in the public. Our Mary’s Living & Giving shops have even incorporated the bags into their window displays, with great results.
We can’t wait to build on this success in 2015.
To find out more about how to leave a legacy to Save the Children, click here.
Liz Pearman, marketing executive at Save the Children