Catherine’s gift for future generations of Scottish families
A guest blog from Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) We’re shining a spotlight on Catherine, an inspirational volunteer at CHAS who kindly decided to leave us a gift in her Will. For over 14 years, Catherine has worked tirelessly to raise funds for CHAS, giving motivational talks, coordinating cans and helping out at bucket shakes. Catherine says: “When I was a teacher, one of my pupils at school asked if I would help raise funds for her sister, who was being supported by CHAS. When I went along to visit, it was out of this world, I couldn’t believe what a special place I’d walked into – it was so uplifting. I knew that as soon as I retired, I’d want to volunteer for CHAS.” As a long-term volunteer, she has seen first-hand how important the service is to families as they go through some of the toughest of times. Supporting children with life-shortening conditions
For the last two years, Catherine has supported a family in Rutherglen through our home support service, offering practical and emotional support to mum, dad and three girls. Catherine has a particularly strong bond with the two younger siblings in the family. She takes them to and from nursery, reads them stories and makes their lunch. Catherine also takes one of the girls to a physiotherapy trampoline session once a week. Without Catherine’s help, the family says this would not be possible. A valued member of the team, Catherine is always ready to come along to volunteer training and speak to new home support volunteers about her role and answer any questions they may have. She is an inspiration to us all. Leaving a gift in her Will to CHAS Such is Catherine’s passion for CHAS, she has now made arrangements for the charity to receive a gift in her Will. She says: “CHAS is such a worthwhile organisation. I know first-hand how important CHAS is to families. From respite in hospices, home care, support in hospitals and now volunteer home support, what they offer to families is just incredible. Families are often struggling so it’s a privilege to know I’m helping now through volunteering and in the future through my Will. “I will be looking after my loved ones and five charities I support and I want everyone to benefit equally. It was such an easy process to write my Will and it’s reassuring to have my wishes captured. It was done lovingly, and everyone knows my decision so it won’t come as a surprise. I just love CHAS and though I don’t know what will be left after I’m gone, I’m so glad to know they’ll get a share of what is.” Find out more If you would like more information about leaving a gift to CHAS in your Will, please contact