Giving young people a future

I was lucky to have a stable, loving upbringing. My siblings and I received a good education and were supported to have successful careers. But through the charity work my mother did supporting disadvantaged children in East Anglia where I grew up, I saw from a young age that not every young person was as fortunate.

I’ve supported The Prince's Trust for many years so it seemed like a natural thing to leave a legacy

I feel proud to be a part of the incredible impact that they are having on helping young people with the most challenging of personal circumstances. I want to ensure they develop the life-skills, self-esteem and confidence needed to turn around their lives. There is still nothing more rewarding than meeting the young people we help and hearing their remarkable stories – always inspiring and humbling, in equal measure. I wrote my Will back in 2003 when my children were young. I felt like I really needed to get things in order for their future. It was incredibly easy at a later date to add a gift to The Trust. I didn’t even need to rewrite my Will, I used a simple codicil form to add a few sentences so that a percentage of whatever’s left when I’m gone will go to The Trust. I believe that every young person should have the opportunity to succeed.

Leaving a gift in my Will is my way of making sure that, even after I’m gone, I’m helping to give young people that opportunity.

It seems to me that The Trust’s work with young people will continue to be vital in the future. There are still too many young people who don’t have a stable background, who experience inequality and who struggle to take that first step into work. It’s comforting to feel that I’ll be giving young people a helping hand in an increasingly uncertain world. As a father, I want the best for my children and their children. That thought extends to other young people who haven’t always been lucky enough to have the support and security my children experienced.

So, once I’ve looked after my own family, I want to help give future generations of young people the chance to shape their own future.

Richard Huntingford, supporter and senior volunteer at The Prince's Trust Find out more about The Prince's Trust. Find a charity you care about to remember in your Will. 

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