Keith's story - creating a better future for his grandsons
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, affecting 1 in 8 across the UK. Despite this, Keith never suspected he could have prostate cancer, until urinary symptoms prompted him to go to the doctor 15 years ago. My world was shattered by my prostate cancer diagnosis. When the doctor told us, I remember seeing my wife, Wendy, sink down in the chair next to me. I was so thankful that my cancer was caught before it started to spread outside the prostate, which meant there was still a good chance of curing it. But I still had to face a really nasty operation to remove my prostate. It felt very invasive to remove the whole gland, and I was shocked as to how long it took me to recover. For six months, I just didn’t feel like the same person. I was relieved once my prostate had gone, but no one had really told me what to expect next. Serious, life-changing side effects like incontinence and impotence are all too common following treatment for localised prostate cancer, and unfortunately, I didn’t escape these. It’s been hard to accept that our sex life is gone, and I get stress incontinence too – when I’m out I’m always looking for the toilet. It plays on my mind and I’m always aware I need to know where they are. What’s really difficult is knowing these side effects will never go away. They’re a constant reminder of the terrible cloud of my prostate cancer diagnosis all those years ago. I’m investing in a better future for my grandsons I have four grandsons, and I know they have a higher risk of getting prostate cancer because of the genetic risk that comes with the disease. I hope they never have to go through prostate cancer, but if they do, I want them to at least to have the choice I didn’t: to be able to rid themselves of the cancer, without experiencing the life-changing effects.
That’s why I’ve left Prostate Cancer UK a gift in my Will. I know there are new treatments on the horizon that can prevent side effects like the ones I’ve experienced. These developments have only been made possible thanks to investment into research over many decades by people like Prostate Cancer UK. By leaving a gift in my Will I can be part of that legacy, even after I’m gone. I know my gift will help fund more research into things like better treatments for prostate cancer, and ultimately allow me to invest in a better future for my grandsons.
Find out more
Find out more about making a Will. Find out how to leave a gift in your Will to charity. If you’d like to learn more about leaving a gift in your Will to Prostate Cancer UK, visit Prostate Cancer UK's website or contact Louisa by emailing or calling 020 3310 7061.