Let’s SWOT
My brain is having a bit of a problem. It is lacking clarity of focus. This is not due to ageing (yet!), alcohol, fatigue, boredom, lack of interest or enthusiasm.
It is due to the number of issues facing us all in the world of the dead giveaway.
I do not want you become depressed. I want you to become even more excited and dancing from the rooftops (a dangerous activity, although the chimney sweeps in Mary Poppins did it really well).
The next 30 years will see an explosion of legacies even if values will plummet down the chimney. But if we do not do it now, the opportunity will be lost forever
The influences surrounding Will-writing and legacy giving are growing by the moment. I mention Wills and legacies because you need a “call to action” for both
So I thought we ought to try a legacy SWOT which is only focused on current issues. Many strengths are also opportunities and many weaknesses are also threats but I have not duplicated them. Strengths- Ageing population
- Increased awareness of legacy giving
- Older generations are making Wills more frequently
- Methods of making a Will are increasing ease of action
- More charities developing better, and more frequent, legacy communications
- Getting round to doing it
- Communications departments not giving legacy teams enough space
- Lack of internal buy-in
- Trustees who do not invest in legacy fundraising
- Many campaigns are similar or boring
- Integrating the opportunity of legacy giving in all communications
- Volunteer promotion
- Increasing use of social media by older generations but also…
- Their inherent love of printed newsletters.
- Increasing awareness of an affordable gift
- Increasing propensity to give to “new” legacy causes (arts education and local charities)
- Increasing number of contested Will
- Increasing “unrest” with professional executors with some charities “pestering” them
- Lack of trust and confidence in some parts of the charity sector
- Increasing cynicism of admin/fundraising costs
- Care costs
- University fees for grandchildren
- Support of fragmented families (children and grandchildren and property ladder)
- Uncertainty of future financial needs
- Giving away money before death to avoid IHT