Nature for a happier, healthier future

Joshua's story - a vicious cycle of depression and anxiety

Joshua's poor mental health had kept him out of work for over two years. He rarely had a reason to leave his house, spending most of his time stuck at home with nothing to do, which led to a vicious cycle of depression and anxiety. Due to these challenges,  the NHS referred Joshua to Lancashire Wildlife Trust’s Myplace programme.

While on the programme, Joshua got involved with a huge range of outdoor activities, from repairing footpaths and leading nature walks to learning bush-craft skills and surveying woodland.

Little by little, his confidence improved, and he began interacting more – happily chatting to other participants on the programme. Joshua's new lease of life paid off when, after a few months on the programme, he secured a part-time job.

Turning his life around

After two years out of work, dealing with poor mental health and being cut off from others, Joshua turned his life around, with help from The Wildlife Trusts, and the great outdoors. Joshua says: “Myplace got me outside in the environment and it helped get me away from the chaos. Even when it rained it got me out.

The project made me feel happy, learning new things about nature I wouldn’t have known. I’m on a decent wage and on much more than I was. It’s all come together to help me.”

Myplace - promoting nature for wellbeing

The Myplace programme works with local communities in their greesnapce sites, empowering people people to make positive changes for wildlife, communities and their own wellbeing. Rosie, a Myplace volunteer, says: ‘‘The ecotherapy nature of Myplace has meant it's turned into something far more than just an excuse to get out of the house. I come away each week feeling refreshed.’’

Whether it’s offering volunteering opportunities, education programmes, or looking after hundreds of nature reserves open to the public, The Wildlife Trusts want to make socialising, volunteering, exercise and play in wildlife-rich natural places central to everyone’s daily life.    

A legacy for a wilder future

Wild places can encourage our minds and bodies to recover from illness. Seeing birds near our homes, walking through green spaces filled with wild flowers, and along rivers that are clean and clear reduces stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression.

Leaving a gift in your Will to The Wildlife Trusts will help protect wildlife and wild places all around the UK, opening up lots of exciting possibilities for everyone to get closer to nature.

“Anyone who cares about wildlife has a marvellous opportunity to do something quite unique, by remembering their local Wildlife Trust in their Will. This generous act is one of the most important things you can do to make sure the species and habitats we love will be there for future generations to enjoy.” 
Sir David Attenborough

The Wildlife Trusts

The Wildlife Trusts is a grassroots movement of people from a wide range of backgrounds and all walks of life, who believe that we need nature and nature needs us. Wherever you are in the UK, there’s a Wildlife Trust near you standing up for the wildlife and wild places on your doorstep.

Find out more 

To find out more about how a gift in your Will could protect wildlife in your local area, or all across the UK, please visit

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