Regret the things you didn’t do…

When Marjory Kenny went on a skiing holiday with her partner, the last thing she thought she’d be doing was cutting her holiday short to organise a funeral. We never know when tragedy will strike and taking some steps to prepare for whenever the time comes, can not only provide peace of mind but can also go a great way to helping your loved ones. Having to rake through her partner’s son’s personal life was a very traumatic and upsetting task for his family members. As Marjory describes: They had very little understanding of Andrew’s final wishes and never knew if Andrew would like to provide any gifts to charity. At 28 years old it wasn’t something he was likely to talk about with his family. A step further…. End of life planning is something we should all take seriously. Not just the big stuff like your Will and care plans – but the little stuff – like ‘who needs to know’ when the time comes. To help with this, there is now a website where you can record all your contact information in one place, where it’s easy for your next of kin to find. Marjory was one of our very first members following the tragic circumstances of Andrew’s death and having to deal with this first hand. For When I am Gone is a practical site which not only allows you to do just that, but also provides you with the opportunity to tell your family exactly how you’d like your life to be remembered and celebrated. Make life easier for loved ones Taking the decision-making process of funeral songs, flowers, readings etc. into your own hands can alleviate a lot or pressure at the most difficult of times for your family. Ensure all your wishes are met – whether it’s your funeral or leaving some of your estate to charity. You can leave nothing unsaid by preparing messages easily via email or video, for those who mean the most to you. When the time is right, they will receive your final goodbye to them. A lasting memory of how important they were to your life. Tracey Cunningham, managing director at For When I Am Gone Find out more about getting your affairs in order.

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