Seth's story

Seth absolutely loves music. You can tell because he has a big smile on his face as he sits on the floor and moves his head to the rhythm of his favourite song and plays along using an app on his iPad.

Seth is completely blind so music is especially important to him. Seth has been having music sessions provided by The Amber Trust for over two years now. He’s formed a special connection with Gary, a specially trained musician who works for Amber and visits Seth and his family at home.

A love of music

Seth loves the upbeat songs that Gary plays on the guitar, which the whole family can join in with. Singing along with his family is great fun! He loves the range of sounds he can get from the iPad. And he loves to dance along to the beat that Gary makes. Songs are helping Seth to learn new words and to reach out into the world of other people. Through the music provided by The Amber Trust, Seth’s life has been transformed. Watch Seth and his family having a Little Amber session with Gary.

The impact of music on children’s lives

Music is particularly important for babies and young children who are blind. Research spearheaded by The Amber Trust has shown that music-making has a positive impact on children’s lives in a way that nothing else does. The benefits include:

  • bonding with parents and carers
  • learning to listen carefully
  • developing language
  • finding out about the world around
  • playing and having fun!
The Amber Trust: music for blind children

The Amber Trust provides a range of music services to blind and partially sighted children and young people and their families. These include grants to individual children for music lessons and instruments, music sessions for children with life-limiting neurodegenerative disease, and family music services ‘Little Amber’ for children aged 0-5 and ‘AmberPlus’ for children and young people aged 5-18 with complex needs. In 2018/2019, The Amber Trust supported over 500 blind and partially sighted children in their pursuit of music and funded nearly 6,000 music lessons.

Why music is so important to a blind child

Music is so often the key to unlocking the potential of a child or young person with sight loss. Music gives these children a means of self-expression, enabling them to make sense of the world around them. It nurtures their self-confidence, provides an opportunity to socialise, and improves their overall happiness and wellbeing.

Leaving a gift in your Will to The Amber Trust

The Amber Trust receives no statutory funding – every penny spent on music for blind children is funded by kind donations. Have you considered leaving a gift in your Will to The Amber Trust? Any gift, large or small, is gratefully received and will allow The Amber Trust to continue providing future generations of blind children with life-changing music opportunities.

Find out more

Find out how to leave a gift in your Will to the Amber Trust: Alternatively, please contact Anni Martin by emailing or calling 0300 323 9964.

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