Supporters have their say

It’s a little known fact that most charities wouldn’t survive without gifts in Wills. By remembering your favourite charities in this way, you’re making a huge difference by ensuring that their good work lives on beyond our lifetime. We chatted to some lovely supporters to find out what piece of advice or message about the world they would like to pass on, and what kind of future they hope for.   Barry would like to focus on promoting positive news... And Ben believes we should all live our lives to the full... Elizabeth's advice is simple but powerful... And John is determined to not let his sight loss get in the way... Mark has a message about leadership... We think Samantha's words of wisdom are really inspiring... So make the most of whatever brings you happiness in life and share it with others. You might just find you make a positive change on the people and world around you. Read more stories from inspiring people who have left a gift in their Will. Louise Pavoni, digital communications manager at Remember A Charity.

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