The last battleground against cancer

A guest blog from Gary Kelly, Gifts in Wills Manager at Brain Tumour Research

A personal perspective

Having suffered the loss of a close friend and work colleague to a brain tumour, I know first-hand how important our world-class research is.

Since joining Brain Tumour Research 18 months ago, I’ve seen how hard our amazing researchers are working to make major breakthroughs that will help more people who’ve been touched by this terrible disease.

With our 10th anniversary approaching, we’ve made great strides in laying down important groundwork with our research, and in achieving greater national investment. But we know there’s still so much more to do before we find a cure.

The last battleground against cancer

This month is Brain Tumour Awareness Month. Brain Tumours are indiscriminate: they can affect anyone at any age. What’s more, they kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer. Yet historically, just one per cent of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this cruel disease.

Here at Brain Tumour Research we’re determined to change this. We’re the only national charity in the UK that’s dedicated to raising funds for continuous and sustainable scientific research into brain tumours. We are building a network of experts in sustainable research at our dedicated Centres of Excellence whilst influencing the Government and larger cancer charities to invest more nationally.

The impact of gifts in Wills

We’ve received gifts in Wills from wonderful individuals who were deeply committed to our cause, which are really helping us to continue our vital work. I’ve seen so many lives destroyed by this disease, and I know our research strategy is vital - taking findings from the lab through to clinical trials and ultimately into curative treatments for brain tumours.

But all of this takes time – years, decades even – and it’s well-known that many of the bigger medical research charities have made breakthroughs thanks to the incredible generosity of gifts left in Wills. It’s heartening that we’re receiving more queries than ever before about leaving gifts in Wills. Awareness of this devastating disease is gathering momentum. Long may it continue.

Find out more

To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to Brain Tumour Research, please visit

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