There’s a legend in all of us

Strapping yourself to the top of a plane is a frightening thought for many, but not for 94-year-old Tom Lackey. After the sudden loss of his wife 13 years ago, Tom started wing walking and has never looked back.

“I don’t like the word impossible. I really don’t believe it,” he says. “I look at a young fella and think ‘I can do that’”.

Tom is just one of three legendary people who we’ve chosen to lead this year’s Remember A Charity in your Will Week.

An Ironwoman, wing walker and a high diver with a combined age of 245 are perhaps not the most likely heroes of this year’s campaign. But their warm, positive and generous nature arguably shows why Britain is one of the most charitable nations in the world.

Tom Lackey, who has raised more than £1 million for good causes, leads our new Living Legends documentary and his love of life shines through.

"When you're going to kick the bucket, I think it's important to help make sure the things you care about live on – family, friends and good causes.

“I never dreamt I'd reach this age and have raised so much money for charity – but I don't intend on stopping anytime soon.”

Of course, most of us won’t wing walk or finish an Ironman. But this week celebrates the legend in all of us.

Leaving a gift to charity is a legendary thing we can all do – and the great thing is that writing a Will takes less than an hour to do, which leaves plenty of time to plan that Mount Kilimanjaro charity challenge…

Rob Cope, director at Remember A Charity

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