Walter's gift to help tackle lung disease

Walter's story Walter, now retired, says: "I grew up in a family of 10. I lost four of my siblings to lung disease; my brother died of lung cancer and my three sisters all died of lung problems. "My dear wife had bronchiectasis ever since she was a young child. She was in and out of hospital for years. Her symptoms did seem to get better, but then she died 16 years ago, aged 59. She was never a smoker. Her father’s side of the family also all had lung problems. She lost her grandmother, father and three uncles to lung disease." Helping to change things for future generations Walter continues: "That’s why I decided to put a gift in my Will for the British Lung Foundation. It’s a cause so close to my heart. I’ve lost so many people to lung disease and things have to change. "Research into lung disease is dreadfully underfunded but I know it’s the only way we’ll make progress. Research leads to new drugs to treat lung disease and it helps stop people getting lung disease in the first place. "Wills can seem confusing or daunting things, but it was actually really easy. Every penny makes a difference, and any chance I get to help change things is worth taking. "I want my gift to be used to research children’s lung disease and look into the link between rheumatoid arthritis and lung disease. In memory of my brother, sisters, wife and her family. That’ll be my legacy when my time comes." Vital research that's severely underfunded One in five people still suffer from a lung condition. Nobody should have to live with the fear of breathlessness. Research into better diagnosis, treatments and cures for lung disease is key, and that's where British Lung Foundation steps in. British Lung Foundation's scientists are making progress, but vital research into treatments is severely underfunded. Your support is desperately needed. The importance of gifts in Wills Leaving a gift in your Will to British Lung Foundation can help drive forward ground-breaking scientific research that will one day end all lung conditions. Even 1% of your estate would make a huge difference. For more information about British Lung Foundation and leaving a gift in your Will, please contact Katie Collis, Legacy Manager, on 0300 303 3564 or email  

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